Tag: Peace and Security

Sudan Crisis: Only five out 59 hospitals open in Khartoum

Only five out of 59 hospitals are functioning in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum,

Trapped in a church in Sudan with no food or water

A Russian woman trapped in an Orthodox Greek church in Sudan’s capital,

Germany cancels Sudan evacuation mission – report

Germany has halted a mission to evacuate around 150 citizens from Sudan

Sudan: Residents flee Khartoum as battles rage for fifth day

Large numbers of residents are fleeing the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, as fighting

Student shot and buried in Sudan University campus

A student has been killed at the University of Khartoum after being

Russia’s Wagner denies involvement in Sudan crisis

The head of the Russia's mercenary Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said on

Sudan Crisis: 39 hospitals ‘bombed, out of service’

A Sudanese doctors' union has said that 39 out of 59 hospitals

Sudan: Paramilitary group agrees to 24-hour ceasefire

Sudan's paramilitary group, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), has agreed to a

White House calls for immediate Sudan ceasefire

The White House on Monday called for an immediate ceasefire to fighting

PROFILE – Hemedti: A camel trader with aims to rule Sudan

Days after the ouster of long-serving President Omar Al-Bashir, Lt.-Gen. Mohamed Hamdan