Tag: Peter Obi

Downgrade of Nigeria’s credit rating worrisome but flexible, says Presidential candidate Peter Obi

Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), has described

Nigerian elections: 5 major challenges facing the country’s next president

Nigerians will soon determine who their next president will be in a

I exposed Atiku’s corruption allegation to prevent Nigerians from great mistake – Whistleblower

Michael Achimugu, a whistleblower said he exposed the corruption allegation against the

No leader can create new Nigeria overnight – Ex- President Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo said no Nigerian leaders can create a new

Nigerians question Tinubu’s election sabotage claims

Nigerians have questioned why presidential candidate Bola Tinubu is making claims that

Nigeria elections 2023: What you need to know

From high inflation to deadly attacks by gunmen against innocent civilians, the

Nigeria 2023 Presidency: Tinubu digs up Peter Obi’s past, gives him new name ‘Mr Stingy’

The All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Asíwájú Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has

Nigeria: Labour Party’s Peter Obi Urges Nigerians to be Hopeful Ahead of 2023 Polls

The Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr Peter Obi, has

Nigeria election: Obi campaign chief Doyin Okupe convicted of money laundering

A Nigerian High Court in the capital, Abuja, has found the campaign

Nigeria: In my administration ASUU won’t strike —Peter Obi

The presidential candidate of Nigeria's Labour Party, Peter Obi, on Tuesday said