Tag: al Shabaab

Families of AU Peacekeepers in Somalia receive about $200 million in compensations

About $200 million could have been paid out in compensation to families

Somalia’s al Shabaab recaptures base it lost to military offensive

Fighters from Somalia's al Shabaab Islamist group on Tuesday overran a military

Somalia’s neighbours to launch new operations against al Shabaab militants

Top leaders of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya on Wednesday agreed to begin

Al Shabaab kills seven soldiers in an attack on Somalia military base

Islamist fighters from al Shabaab on Tuesday stormed a military base in

At least one killed in blasts targeting troops in central Somalia

One person was killed and at least six others injured in a

Somalia militants kill six in raid on village they recently lost

Islamist militants from al Shabaab killed at least six people on Friday

Somalia: America Re-deploys Troops After Withdrawing them During Donald Trump’s Era

The United States of America has redeployed 500 troops to Somalia to

Somali leaders visit district liberated from Shabaab militants

Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre on Wednesday visited Adan Yabal, a

Somalia: Government Shuts Down Pro-Al Shabaab Media Outlets

The Somalian government, on Wednesday November 10, 2022, announced it had deactivated

Somalia army, allied militia kill 20 al Shabaab fighters in latest offensive

Somalia's army and associated clan militias have killed at least 20 al