Tag: Anthony Blinken

Anthony Blinken says Wagner is taking advantage of Niger coup

The country has been ruled by a junta following the ousting of

US accuses Wagner Mercenaries of taking advantage of Niger coup

United State's Secretary of State, Antony Blinken has accused Russia's Wagner mercenary

US accuses Nigeria of religious freedom violations

The United States of America has accused Nigeria of severe violations of

US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken: Tunisia faces the ‘unknown’ if it does not reach an agreement with the IMF

US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, warned on Wednesday that Tunisia urgently

Ethiopia Labels U.S Accusations of War Crimes in Tigray ‘Inflammatory’

Ethiopia on Tuesday rejected a determination by the U.S. State Department that

Blinken announces $331m humanitarian aid to Ethiopia

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is in Addis Ababa, Wednesday

Egypt: US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken Meets President Sisi in Cairo as Part of 3-day Middle East Tour

United State Secretary of State, Antony Blinken has held talks with Egyptian President

The U.S. sends top diplomats to Africa just after Russia’s visit

The U.S. announced on Friday its Secretary of State Anthony Blinken would