Tag: HIV

Rwanda introduces guide to early detection of disabilities

The Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) in partnership with the Umbrella Organization of

Kenya pulls out of regional accord on teen sex education

Kenya's Ministry of Health has quietly pulled out of a major regional

Cervical cancer can be beaten – the key is vaccinating young girls

In 2020 the World Health Organization introduced a plan to eliminate cervical

Ugandan man sent on remand over defiling 4 grandchildren

Court has sent on remand a 62-year-old man who allegedly defiled his

TB kills 75,000 children in Africa every year: how this can stop

Tuberculosis (TB) is a preventable and curable disease. Half of the world’s

Zimbabwe: Health Authorities Approve HIV Prevention Drug

Zimbabwe continues to take the lead in the fight against HIV in

Zimbabwe approves long-acting HIV prevention drug

Zimbabwe has become the first county in Africa to approve a long-acting

7,699 Ghanaian children tested positive for HIV in 2020

The HIV population among children aged one to four years was 7,699 in 2020,

23,495 Ghanaians test positive for HIV in 6 months

A total of 23,495 people tested positive for HIV in the first

Ghana: Over 60% of rescued foreign child beggars in Kumasi infected with HIV, TB and Covid

Ten out of fifteen foreign child beggars rescued by the Kumasi Metropolitan