Tag: Rwanda

City of Kigali addresses concerns about tent events

The City of Kigali authorities have addressed a few concerns brought to

Rwandan coach suspended for saying Ghana’s Black Queens players ‘were like men’

Grace Nyinawumuntu’s side were beaten 7-0 in the first leg of the

Anti-Rwanda US Senator Bob Menendez charged for corruption

US Democratic Senator from New Jersey Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine

Rwanda’s PDI party endorses Kagame’s 2024 candidacy

The Ideal Democratic Party (PDI) has announced that it will endorse President

US Senator Menendez’s indictment raises questions about his anti-Rwanda views

Following Friday’s indictment of US Democratic Senator Bob Menendez and his wife

France arrests former top Rwandan official over 1994 genocide

France has arrested and charged a former top Rwandan regional official over

Rwanda FDA explains ban on over 100 cosmetics

Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority has explained the reason behind its latest ban on

No peace for Congolese Tutsi whose persecution continues

John Nsengiyera, 27, recalls, with a tinge of nostalgia, how life used

City of Kigali sounds warning as heavy rains kill mother, two kids in high-risk zone

A mother and two children died on Wednesday night, September 20, when

The problem is not between me and Tshisekedi – Rwanda’s Kagame speak

Coups d’état in West Africa and natural disasters in North Africa have