Tag: Alban Bagbin

Ghana’s speaker Alban Bagbin calls for prayer conferences across 16 regions

Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin has emphasised the relevance of

Insecurity in Africa: Parliaments urged to work together

Ghana's speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin and Mr Lord Boateng of the

Ghana’s Speaker of Parliament slams Kamala Harris’ take on LGBTQ+

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has slammed US Vice President Kamala

Ghanaian Parliament to decide fate of president’s new ministers today

The Speaker of Ghana's Parliament, Alban Bagbin last night directed that the

Ghana’s President Akufo-Addo nominates 4 Appeal and High Court judges to Supreme Court bench

The nomination was announced in Parliament by Ghana's Speaker of Parliament Alban

Ghana: Speaker of Parliament tasks 5 c’ttees to probe concerns of school feeding caterers

Ghana Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has tasked five committees to probe