Tag: Burkina Faso

Niger gives Mali, Burkina Faso permit to intervene in event of ECOWAS military operation

Niger, led by a junta, Thursday August 24 indicated that Mali and

Ex Austrian top diplomat declares the collapse of Françafrique after Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger breakaway

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl has argued that Françafrique is over

Junta leader Ibrahim Traore officially appointed Burkina Faso President

Junta leader, Captain Ibrahim Traore has been officially appointed president of Burkina

Burkina Faso hails Russia, Turkey for their role in fight against terrorism

The head Burkina Faso's transitional government has hailed the relationship with strategic

Romanian PM thanks Morocco for role in hostage liberation

Romanian Prime Minister thanked Morocco’s intelligence services for their role in the

Romania thanks Morocco following release of citizen kidnapped in Burkina Faso

Romania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu expressed her profound gratitude as

Dozens killed in suspected terrorist attack in Burkina Faso

Dozens of people lost their lives in a suspected terrorist attack in

Mali and Burkina Faso to send delegation to Niger

Mali says it will send a joint delegation with Burkina Faso to

France suspends aid to Burkina Faso

France has suspended all development aid and budget support to Burkina Faso.

MPs raise concerns over influx of Burkinabes in northern Ghana

Some Members of Parliament (MPs) from the Upper East and Upper West