Tag: Conflict

Conflict and drought make 4m Ethiopians homeless – UN

The UN's migration agency says that more than four million Ethiopians are

Accepting cultural diversity: Urban planning can help rebuild Sudan, prevent future conflict

Sudan is rich in cultural, ethnic and racial diversity. The country’s 48 million

Amesty International urges Sudan’s neighbours to  provide safe passage to those fleeing conflict

Sudan’s bordering countries must immediately lift entry restrictions for individuals fleeing the

Conflict may have cost Sudan $3.4bn, says ex-minister

Former Sudanese Finance Minister Ibrahim Elbadawi estimates that the seven-week conflict in

West African countries show how decades of working together build peace, stop wars breaking out

Africa is often portrayed as a continent ravaged by war, terrorism, poverty

DR Congo: One soldier, four militiamen killed in Kinshasa conflict

A Congolese army soldier and four militiamen were killed Thursday in an

UN boss calls for disarmament, end to hate speech in DR Congo

The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has urged armed groups in

Conflict in eastern Congo forces thousands of schools to close

Thomas Tumusifu Buregeya wishes he were studying for his final school exams.

EU sends humanitarian aid to conflict-hit eastern DR Congo

A bright yellow cargo plane carrying tents, medical equipment, and other humanitarian

East African leaders vow to ‘destroy’ al-Shabab

Regional leaders meeting in Somalia have agreed on a joint offensive operation