Tag: Food

5 most expensive foods in the world

By now, we’re all used to the fact that there are some

1 in 5 South African households begs for food – the link between food insecurity and mental health

At least ten million South Africans didn’t have enough food or money

South African Food Producers Expect Muted Demand as Patrons Continue to Struggle with High Cost of Living

South African food manufacturing firms, RCL Foods and AVI Foods said demand was expected

Tanzania: Food Vendors Encouraged to Use Clean Energy

A total of 50 groups of women entrepreneurs dealing with food vending

FEATURE: Who invented jollof rice? Senegal beats Ghana and Nigeria to the title

The authorship – and therefore origins – of jollof rice (called ceebu

U.S. announces $2.5 billion in food assistance for Africa

U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday announced billions of dollars in additional

Kenya’s GMO maize push sowing trouble for food sector, farmers warn

Dick Olela has been growing maize on his four-acre piece of land

7 reasons why tigernuts are a super food

Tigernuts are largely unknown and especially their nutrients are not widely known.

Why farmers in northern Ghana go to bed hungry

Ghana is one of the few countries often praised for achieving impressive

Mali: A lesson in how conflict takes food out of people’s mouth

Mali once had it good. Mansa Musa, the great ninth mansa of