Tag: Horn of Africa

Terrorist attacks in Africa down by 5.5% in July- Report

A s many as 34 terrorist attacks including bombings and assassinations took

Kenya to drop visa requirement for Djiboutians

Kenya will drop visa requirements for Djiboutians as Nairobi moves to ease

Ethiopia’s musicians fled the country after the 1974 revolution – how their culture lives on

The overthrow of Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie in 1974 led to violent

Somalia to start direct voting next year

Somalia will start electing its president and other officials by direct vote

UN conference raises less than a billion dollars for climate wracked horn of Africa

The United Nations(UN) raised less than $1 billion (£810.21 million) to help

Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia to receive $2.4 bln from UN

The United Nations received pledges of $2.4 billion on Wednesday to help

Rwanadan President holds talks with Djibouti Foreign Minister on Horn Of Africa Security

Rwanda President Paul Kagame on Wednesday met with a delegation from Djibouti

About 130,000 at the Risk of Starvation in Horn of Africa: WHO

Nearly 130,000 people in the Horn of Africa are "staring death in

Cry, the beloved Horn of Africa

After the failure of four rainy seasons over two years, at least