Tag: Kenya

Kenya resumes khat exports to Somalia

The first cargo plane transporting the narcotic leaf known as khat has

Kenya, Somalia resume khat trade, ink range of deals

Somalia and Kenya strengthen their bilateral ties. Newly elected Somalian president Hassan

Kenya to spend $140m to keep petrol price stable

A litre of petrol will remain at the current price despite the

Kenya loses bid to host 2025 World Athletics Championships

Announcing the decision the World Athletics President, Sebastian Coe, said Tokyo offered

Kenya’s school tablets being sold cheaply in Uganda

Kenya government’s digital literacy programme personal tablet that they promised every Standard

Kenya: Kenya wants share of maize imports from Africa raised

Kenya is seeking to limit Zambia, Tanzania and Uganda from exporting maize

Kenya: Farmers in a small corner of western Kenya show how Africa can feed itself

At least four million Kenyans face drought-induced hunger. A drought emergency has

Building the biggest African supply store in the US – Margaret Andega’s inspiring business journey

Margaret Andega, a Kenyan entrepreneur, went to the United States as a