Tag: Lifestyle

He’s asking for a divorce yet goes around telling everyone that I’m the one seeking a divorce

“Marry me.”  That’s how he proposed. It wasn’t a question. It sounded like

At what age should you allow your kids use social media

At what age should you get your child a phone and give

7 important rules of friends-with-benefits relationships

Friendship-with-benefits is a kind of sex-heavy relationship which excludes emotional attachment and

Some kisses stay on your lips to make your dream come true 

f there is any justice in the world, I should have become

Single? 7 things you’ll only hear from your coupled friends

If you’ve been single for a long time, then you know how

Are you a single mother in need of some good sex? Here are what you should do!

Do it for her and the nation at large. Most single mothers

He broke up with me when he got to know my age 

I was with my dad when his mobile phone rang. He picked

Unemployed for years but he makes everyone believes he has a job 

Amonth before we got married, my husband-to-be lost his job. I told

I’m losing my husband because of a medical condition that has made me bleed for 7 years 

completed secondary school in March 2015. I had a lot of time