Tag: Lifestyle

Top African countries to visit this holiday

The countries included in our study were selected based on how popular

Sudan’s Rastas fear new crackdown but vow to fight on

With his long dreadlocks and slouchy beanie, Abdallah Ahmed has always known

Would you rather not be famous?

Mama, your daughter is famous now! Here’s how... Recently, I attended a

Make the switch from Android to iPhone with these three simple steps

It’s hard to pinpoint a single reason for the iPhone being the

I lost the man who wanted to marry me while waiting for the one I truly loved

In 2016 I met Solo at my workplace. He got my attention with

In my next life, I would never marry someone who has an ex-wife

He was a disturbed man when I met him. His attention span was

My husband just ran away from home because he believes my family brings him bad luck

I have been married for three years. My husband came into the marriage

The sacred ‘sisters’ of ancient America

According to Huron-Wendat legend, when the daughter of the original mother passed

My dream of becoming a mother was cut short when I was only a teen

atching my mother being a mum filled me with a desire to

We got married only to kill the joy in our relationship

The first time I saw Sarah, I knew that she was the