Tag: Mali

WHO doctor kidnapped in eastern Mali

Unidentified assailants in eastern Mali have abducted a doctor working for the

Mali accepts Russian warplanes and helicopters

Mali has taken a delivery of warplanes and helicopters from Russia as

Al-Qaeda claims the death of the 14 soldiers in the center of Mali

At least 14 Malian soldiers were killed and 11 injured on Tuesday

Mali: 14 Soldiers Killed in Two Bomb Explosions, 11 Injured

At least 14 Malian soldiers were killed and 11 others wounded in

Mali army says 14 soldiers killed in attacks

The army in Mali says 14 of its soldiers have been killed

Mali leader pardons Ivorian soldiers, suspends 46 prison sentences

Mali's junta leader has pardoned 49 Ivorian soldiers arrested in July and

Five people killed in Mali attack

Five people have been killed in an attack by unidentified assailants in

Mali sentences 46 Ivorian soldiers to 20 years for conspiring against government

A court in Mali sentenced 46 soldiers from Ivory Coast to 20

Mali: Rebel Groups Pull out of Peace Talks Over Lack of Polical Will from Military Junta

A coalition of armed groups in northern Mali has pulled out of

Ecowas condemns alleged failed coup in The Gambia

The Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) has praised the Gambian