Tag: Shell

Mikaela Loach: Climate activist removed from Shell’s AGM after criticizing Niger Delta operations

UK-based climate justice activist Mikaela Loach was removed from Shell's Annual General

Shell signs 12-Year deal to supply Morocco with liquefied Natural Gas

Shell has entered into a 12-year agreement to provide the country with

Nigerian communities sue Shell in London over Niger Delta oil spills

More than 11,000 Nigerians from the oil-producing Niger Delta have filed a

Shell fined 15 mln euros over oil spillage in Nigeria

Shell (SHEL.L) will pay 15 million euros ($15.9 million) to communities in

Oil giant Shell snaps up African solar provider Daystar Power

Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell will purchase African solar provider Daystar Power

Customer demanding $2.5 million from Vivo Energy for damage to his vehicle

The lawsuit from one Edmund Barwuah is demanding $2.5 million from Vivo

Nigeria: Environmental group sues UK over Shell gas field

Greenpeace, on Tuesday, launched legal action against the United Kingdom government, alleging

Big oil firms set to post record profit despite gas outages

The world's largest energy traders, independents and majors, are poised to post