Tag: U.N.

U.N. internal report flags east Congo rebels flouting ceasefire and withdrawal deal

United Nations intelligence analysts have spotted suspected movements by M23 rebels in

South Sudan violence has killed 166 civilians, displaced over 20,000 – U.N.

Violence in South Sudan's Upper Nile state has killed 166 civilians and

Congo Nobel laureate asks U.N. to sanction Rwanda for alleged rebel support

Congo Nobel laureate Denis Mukwege has called for United Nations sanctions against

U.N. aid chief wants 25% more money in 2023, no famine in Somalia yet

The United Nations will ask for 25% more money in 2023 to

COP27: We’re on a highway to climate hell, U.N. boss says

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told countries gathered at the start of

U.N. urges Musk to safeguard human rights at Twitter

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, on Saturday issued

Three U.N. peacekeepers killed, three injured in Mali attack

Three United Nations peacekeepers were killed and three others seriously injured when

U.N. chief plans to name former Senegalese minister as Libya envoy

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres plans to appoint a former Senegalese minister to