Tag: UN

UN Secretary-General reaffirms commitment to Two-State solution for Israel-Palestine

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has reiterated the UN's stance that

Morocco signs UN Convention on Maritime Law

Morocco has officially signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of

Rwandan peacekeepers in CAR decorated with UN service medals

Rwandan peacekeepers under the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the

Ghanaians in USA demonstrate against president Akufo Addo at UN HQ

In a remarkable display of unity and determination, Ghanaians residing in the

Moroccan King earns praises from Former NATO General

King Mohammed VI has mediated conflicts across the Sahel, helped to negotiate

UN says $1 billion needed to help 1.8milion people fleeing Sudan

Over 1.8 million people are expected to flee war-torn Sudan and $1

Tunisia to get UN-backed $100m financing package to support youth projects

Tunisia is set to receive a financing package of $100 million to

BRICS back UN-mediated mutually acceptable solution to Sahara issue

BRICS group said it backs an enduring and mutually acceptable political solution

Rwandan genocide survivors disappointed by UN court ruling on Kabuga

A ruling by the appeals chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for