Tag: United Nations

UN raises over $600 mln to boost aid to Ethiopia

The United Nations on Tuesday received financial pledges for about two-thirds of

2023 marked by ‘enormous suffering’ and conflicts across the Globe -UN

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres has described 2023 as the year

2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial kicks off in Ghana

The 2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial has Kicked off in Accra, Ghana with

Rwanda appoints new Permanent Representative to the UN

Rwanda has appointed Ernest Rwamucyo as its Permanent Representative to the United

UN to decide on Kenya’s police deployment to Haiti

The United Nations Security Council is expected today 2nd October, to vote

UN cautious about accelerated withdrawal of peacekeeping troops from DR Congo

Member states of the United Nations Security Council, on Thursday September 28,

UN condemn killing of 2 humanitarian workers in South Sudan

The United Nations humanitarian agency (OCHA) has “strongly” condemned a deadly attack

UN special envoy in Sudan Volker Perthes resigns

The United Nations special representative for Sudan, Volker Perthes, has told the

UN ready to support Gabon’s transition back to civilian rule

A United Nations representative has told Gabon's military leader that the U.N.

Over 5 million people displaced following months of fighting in Sudan- UN

More than 5 million people have now been displaced by the monthslong