
Latest Lifestyle News

Five things to know about South Sudan as Pope Francis visits

Pope Francis heads to South Sudan on Friday on the first papal

After 102 children, Ugandan man says enough is enough

Musa Hasahya Kasera has so many children he can't remember most of

Top 5 most culturally influential African countries in the world

Culture is an integral part of the human experience, one that shapes

Zambians to face fines for using phone while crossing roads

The authorities in Zambia have passed a law that prohibits pedestrians from

Sleeping with your phone in bed can affect your health

Place the phone several feet away from your bed if you're not

Men Who Marry Intelligent Women Avoid Dementia – Study

It actually makes a lot of sense: if you marry someone smart

What is attractive to a woman – a couple’s therapist reveals

I just had a male reader share his thoughts on what men

Children and teens aren’t doing enough physical activity – new study sounds a health warning

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. It’s also

Namibian men use 45 million condoms a year

Nangombe was speaking at a press conference on the status of HIV-AIDS

9 Unsexy Truths All Grown Men Need To Understand About Women

Despite being born in 1941, my dad was progressive when it came