Tag: Buckingham Palace

UK royal family won’t return remains of Ethiopian prince

Buckingham Palace on Tuesday said it has declined a request from the

Buckingham Palace aide resigns over remarks to black charity boss

A Buckingham Palace household member has apologised and resigned after she repeatedly

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa to make state visit to UK

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will make a state visit to Britain,

Biden at Westminster Hall to pay respects

US President Joe Biden has arrived at Westminster Hall to pay his

Livestream: Final funeral rites of Queen Elizabeth II underway

Queen Elizabeth’s coffin is being conveyed from the Buckingham Palace for the

The Queen’s relationship with Buckingham Palace

The Queen's coffin is now at rest at Buckingham Palace. The 775-room

Nelson Mandela and Queen Elizabeth enjoyed a ‘warm friendship,’ secretary recalls

 Queen Elizabeth enjoyed a "warm friendship" with South Africa's President Nelson Mandela,