Tag: China

China takes over financing of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline

The Chinese appear to be taking over the financing of the East

Kenya gets smallest loan from China since 2008

China’s loans for President William Ruto’s first full-year budget will be the

China to replace PCR test requirement with antigen test for inbound travellers

China's foreign ministry said on Tuesday that all inbound travellers will only

India to surpass China as world’s most populous country in April, UN says

India’s population is expected to match China’s by the end of April

‘Russia to boost China pipeline gas supplies by almost 50%’

Russia will increase its pipeline gas supplies to China by "almost 50%"

OPINION: China helps South Africa solve its energy crisis

Its regional prominence is also at risk as countries like Mozambique make

Zambia to send debt restructuring plan to China, other creditors ‘very soon’

Zambia will send its first fully-formed debt restructuring plan to China and

China: Fire kills more than two dozen patients in Beijing hospital

The death toll rose to 29 on Wednesday from a fire at

The fishy business of a Chinese factory in The Gambia

Investment from China welcomed by The Gambia's government is causing upset for

China records world’s first human death from H3N8 bird flu, WHO says

A Chinese woman has become the first person to die from a