Tag: Ebola

Ugandan leader rules out lockdown over Ebola

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has said that there is no need to

Uganda Ebola cases rise amid 23 deaths – WHO

It said 23 deaths had occurred in three districts of central Uganda,

Uganda medical workers strike at Ebola hospital

Medical interns at s Mubende hospital have gone on strike, accusing the

Uganda says Ebola caseload rises to 16 as outbreak grows

 Uganda said on Sunday its Ebola caseload had jumped to 16 people

Uganda has confirmed seven Ebola cases so far, one death

Uganda has confirmed seven cases of Ebola including in a man who

Focus on prevention, no vaccine for rare Ebola strain, Uganda told

Health experts on Tuesday urged Uganda to focus on preventing and controlling

South Sudan on high alert after Ebola outbreak in Uganda

South Sudan is stepping up vigilance along its borders following an outbreak

Uganda confirms fresh outbreak of Ebola virus

A 24-year-old man infected with Ebola has died in central Uganda in