Tag: Floods

72 dead bodies recovered in flood waters in eastern DRC

Humanitarian workers have recovered at least 72 bodies from a village in

Rwanda to spend about $100m rebuilding after floods 

Rwanda on Saturday said it had set aside nearly $100 million to

Devastating floods in Uganda cut off Buloba-Nsangi road

Devastating floods in Uganda have cut off a four-kilometre road that links

Floods kill 130, destroy over 5000 homes in Rwanda

Flooding and landslides which were triggered by heavy rains that have killed 130

South Sudan Ranked 7th in Global Hotspot for Flood

South Sudan is ranked seventh globally on the list of the world’s

Floods and high winds hit Mozambique as record-breaking cyclone Freddy nears

Cyclone Freddy was settling off the coast of Mozambique on Saturday, bringing

Africa’s Cholera Cases Dropping, But May Shoot up Due to Floods- WHO

Heavy flooding due to seasonal rains and tropical cyclones in southern Africa

Philippines floods, landslides kill 44 after Christmas Day rains

The death toll from flooding and landslides caused by Christmas Day rains

More bodies found after deadly DR Congo floods

Rescue workers have found 11 more bodies of people killed following floods

Many dead as floods hit DR Congo’s capital Kinshasa

Over 55 people have been killed and dozens injured on Tuesday (Dec.