Tag: Fulgence Kayishema

Rwanda genocide accused seeks asylum in South Africa

Lawyers representing Rwandan genocide suspect Fulgence Kayishema, who had been on the

Rwandan genocide suspect faces 54 charges in South Africa

South African prosecutors on Friday significantly increased the number of charges they

Fulgence Kayishema: Rwanda genocide suspect appears in SA court, remanded to custody

Former Rwandan police officer Fulgence Kayishema, accused of ordering the killing of

How South Africa helped arrest one of world’s most wanted Rwandan genocide fugitives

Kayishema, 61, is alleged to have orchestrated the killing of 2 000

Rwanda Genocide fugitive Kayishema’s arrest sends powerful message – UN chief

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has commended the cooperation between the International Residual

‘Most-wanted’ Rwandan genocide suspect arrested in South Africa

Fulgence Kayishema, one of the most-wanted suspects accused of involvement in the