Tag: G7

G7 Finance ministers meet in Morocco, reiterate support for Ukraine

Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors from G7 nations have met in

Italian Prime Minister urges ‘pragmatic’ IMF approach to Tunisia bailout

Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni on Saturday May 20, 2023, said the

Africa seeks new role at G7 as others eye its resources

Albert Muchanga says instead his continent wants a future of "genuine and

G7 warns of ‘severe costs’ to those aiding Russia in Ukraine

G7 foreign ministers on Tuesday warned that those helping Russia wage war

G7 launches climate ‘Shield’ fund, some countries wary

A G7-led plan dubbed "Global Shield" to provide funding to countries suffering

G7 coalition has agreed to set fixed price for Russian oil – source

The Group of Seven rich nations and Australia have agreed to set

Adopt proactive, inclusive approach towards Africa – Ghana’s finance minister tells G7

Finance Ministers of the Group of Seven (G7), met in Washington DC

G7 to meet over Monday’s Russian bombardment

Leaders of the G7 group of advanced economies will meet virtually at