Tag: genocide

South Africa calls on ICJ to act to end famine in Gaza

South Africa has written to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with

Rwandan genocide survivors disappointed by UN court ruling on Kabuga

A ruling by the appeals chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for

UN prosecutor meets Nyange Genocide survivors

The Chief Prosecutor of the UN's International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

Rwanda ex-policeman gets life imprisonment for genocide

A court in France has sentenced to life imprisonment a former Rwandan

Rwandans in Ghana appeal to world not to shield Genocide perpetrators

The High Commission of Rwanda in Ghana in close collaboration with the

Rwandans in Ghana appeal to world not to shield Genocide perpetrators

The High Commission of Rwanda in Ghana in close collaboration with the

Genocide: Paris Court okays inquiry into French troops’ complicity in Bisesero massacres

The Paris Court of Appeal has recommended that an investigation be conducted

‘Say No To Hate’ campaign: Un calls on DR Congo to work hard to prevent genocide

Un Officials have renewed calls to stop the wave of hate speech

Rwandan genocide suspect faces 54 charges in South Africa

South African prosecutors on Friday significantly increased the number of charges they

University of Kigali pays tribute to Genocide victims

Students and staff of University of Kigali paid tribute to victims of