Tag: Jacob Zuma

Zuma’s MK Party wins Court battle over ANC’s historic name and logos

A new political party formed by former President Jacob Zuma scored a

South African court rules to allow Jacob Zuma run for presidency 

The Electoral Court in South Africa has reversed the IEC‘s decision to

South Africa’s MK Party to hold picnic on Sunday as Campaign for May 29 election intensifies

South Africa "uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party" has announced a picnic in the

South Africa’s MK Party supporters protest FNB over Zuma account Freeze

Supporters of South Africa's upstart Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) or "Spear of the

Ex-South African president Zuma blocked from running in 2024 polls

Former South African president Jacob Zuma's attempted political resurrection has hit a

South Africa election: ANC fails bid to de-register Zuma’s MK Party

South Africa's electoral court has rejected a bid by the governing African

Former South African president Jacob Zuma leaves ANC to form new party 

Former South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma has said he will not vote

Jacob Zuma prison case casts doubt on South Africa’s medical parole law

The Constitutional Court order relating to a case involving former President Jacob

Ex-South African president Jacob Zuma escapes further jail time due to overcrowding

South Africa's former President Jacob Zuma has been spared from returning to

Ex-South Africa President Jacob Zuma back home after Russian medical trip

South Africa’s former President Jacob Zuma has returned from Russia where he