Tag: Kigali

Rwandans to explore Barbados for business opportunities in August

Rwandan business players are gearing up to explore and leverage trade and

Rwanda to get 200 electric buses to ease public transport

The Government of Rwanda and Vivo Energy on Thursday signed a deal

Bank of Kigali takes affordable housing mortgage loans scheme to workers

The Bank of Kigali has launched an initiative to inform human resource

University of Kigali graduate wins National Bank of Rwanda postgraduate research competition

Leonidas Manayubahwe Kazana, a University of Kigali graduate, was on June 1

Rwanda to host UN landlocked developing countries conference

Rwanda is getting ready to host the third UN Conference on Landlocked

Inaugural Trace Awards & Festival set to take place in Kigali

The global music platform and African music tastemaker will be focusing a

Kigali ranked Africa’s second most preferred city for hosting meetings

Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, remains the second preferred city for hosting association meetings

Tennis: Cameroon, Angola name squads for Billie Jean King cup

Cameroon and Angola on Monday have announced their women for the forthcoming

Foreign investors eye Rwanda’s affordable housing scheme

Canadian investors are among those who have expressed interest in a project

Persistent foreign interference destabilises Africa, leaders say

Foreign interference in Africa remains a persistent destabilising factor, and its effects