Tag: mental health

Dr. Preshol: Nigeria’s mental health advocate urges comprehensive approach to tackle suicide crisis in Africa

Nigeria's mental health advocate David Adebajo, fondly known as Dr. Preshol, has

About 2.4 million Ghanaians suffering mental illnesses – WHO

According to WHO representative to Ghana, Professor Francis Kasalo, mental health issues

Mental cases increasing in Ghana – Data suggests

Schizophrenia, a mental health disorder, is on the rise in Ghana, with

Ugandan govt urged to expand mental health treatment to lowest level

Officials from the mental health department in Masindi District have asked government

Mental health: almost half of Johannesburg students screened positive for probable depression – study

Depression is a mental health disorder characterised by a persistently low mood

1 in 5 South African households begs for food – the link between food insecurity and mental health

At least ten million South Africans didn’t have enough food or money

Rwandan gov’t to conduct detailed study on state of mental health

Rwanda's Ministry of Health plans to conduct an in-depth assessment of the

Climate change can affect mental health – survey

Experts have warned that climate change-linked hazards can significantly impact on mental

Taking a week off social media could improve your mental health – New study

A study published in Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking showed that one

Africa has one psychiatrist to 500,000 population – WHO

The World Health Organisation has said that there is one psychiatrist per