Tag: Sergei Lavrov

Marrakech to host the revival of Russian-Arab Forum in December

The Russian government is set to revive the Russian-Arab Forum in a

Wagner fighters to stay in Mali and CAR – Lavrov

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been speaking about the future of

Kenya and Russia to sign trade partnership

Kenya will sign a trade pact with Russia aimed at boosting cooperation

Washington trying to wreck Russia-Africa summit – Russia’s Lavrov

The U.S. is trying to wreck Russia's planned summit with African countries

South Africa and Russia: President Cyril Ramaphosa’s foreign policy explained

January was a busy diplomatic month for South Africa. The country hosted

Angola urges restraint in Ukraine as Lavrov visits

Angola has expressed concern over the use of heavy military equipment in

South Africa: Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor Defends Joint Russia-China Military Exercise

The South African government has defended its decision to hold a joint

Russia rejects G20 focus on security

Russia on Sunday called for the G20 to stop talking about security

Uganda’s President Museveni lauds Africa-Russia ties as US fires back on Lavrov’s visit

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says his country is ready to sell