Tag: Sudan

Conflict may have cost Sudan $3.4bn, says ex-minister

Former Sudanese Finance Minister Ibrahim Elbadawi estimates that the seven-week conflict in

FEATURE: Hunger fears as war hits planting season in Sudan’s breadbasket

Mohammed Haroun, who used to secure a job on Sudanese farms in

Qatar send food aid to Sudan, Evecuate new group of residents

A Qatari airplane carrying 39 tonnes of food assistance, provided by Qatar

South Sudan may unravel if Sudan war continues – UN

The UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (Unmiss) has warned that the

Sporadic shelling as combat eases after Sudan ceasefire

Sporadic artillery fire still echoed in Sudan's capital on Tuesday but residents

Sudan ceasefire in danger as residents report fighting, warplanes

Artillery fire could be heard in parts of Khartoum and warplanes flew

UN envoy to Sudan warns of ‘ethnicisation’ of conflict, impact on region

The United Nations envoy to Sudan warned on Monday of the growing

Francis Pope calls for peace in Sudan, renew heartfelt plea

Pope Francis on Sunday called for warring factions in Sudan to set

Sudan Crisis: Over 1 million people displaced as heavy fighting continue

As heavy fighting continues in Sudan, UN humanitarians on Friday May 19,

‘Bodies everywhere’ as renewed air strikes hit Sudan’s capital Khartoum and Bahri

Sudan's capital, Khartoum and sister city Bahri have come under renewed air