The African Development Bank (AfDB) has put the spotlight on the inspiring entrepreneurial journey of a Togolese woman whose business was financially backed by the bank’s project supporting vulnerable women’s financial inclusion.
It few days after the world celebrated the International Women’s Day.
In a social media post, the AfDB shared a video highlighting this woman entrepreneur’s path to success, hailing her as “a model of achievement” enabled by funding from the Project to Support Financial Inclusion of Vulnerable Women.
“Watch the inspiring journey of a Togolese #woman #entrepreneur, a model of success financially supported by the Project to Support Financial Inclusion of Vulnerable Women,” the AfDB captioned the video in French.
The unidentified woman details how she was able to grow her small business into a thriving enterprise thanks to access to financing and training provided by the AfDB project aimed at economically empowering vulnerable women in Togo.
Her story showcases one of the real-life beneficiaries of the pan-African development bank’s initiatives to promote gender inclusivity and female entrepreneurship across the continent.
Access to financial services and capital remains one of the biggest obstacles for women entrepreneurs in Africa looking to start or expand businesses. The AfDB project tries to address this challenge.
By amplifying success stories like this Togolese woman’s journey, the AfDB aims to inspire other women while advocating for greater public and private sector support for women’s entrepreneurship as a driver of sustainable and inclusive growth.