Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Sunday met with Fadwa Barghouti of the imprisoned Palestinian leader of the Fatah movement Marwan Barghouti, in Cairo, affirming his country’s support to the establishment of Palestinian State.
During the meeting, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, highlighted Egypt’s tireless efforts to achieve calm in the occupied territories and to relaunch the peace process, with the aim of meeting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state on the basis of the 4 June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.
He also stressed Egypt’s support for the steadfastness of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
For her part, Barghouti expressed her great appreciation for the tireless Egyptian efforts in support of the Palestinian cause on various levels and for the Egyptian solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners’ cause.
She also reviewed the latest developments in the Palestinian arena and the situation in the occupied territories