The Moroccan Police officers from the Casablanca prefecture arrested on Monday the rider of a motorcycle suspected of causing a fatal accident due to his reckless driving, which led to the death of a senior police officer.
The accident occurred when a patrol from the motorcycle brigade, supervised by a senior police officer, was managing road traffic in the vicinity of a school in the Hay Hassani district of Casablanca, according to a DGSN press release.
The same source pointed out that the motorcyclist, who was riding above the speed limit, refused to obey a summons to stop issued by a member of the patrol, before changing directions and running over the patrol leader who died on transfer to hospital.
After his arrest, the police discovered that the 25-year-old motorcyclist did not possess the vehicle’s documents.
As a result, the suspect was subjected to a judicial investigation under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in order to clarify the circumstances of the case.
In parallel with the judicial aspect of this case, the Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance Abdellatif Hammouchi has decided to grant an exceptional promotion in rank to the victim, who died while performing his duties.
He has also given instructions to the relevant security services to cover the funeral expenses of the deceased and grant the necessary support to his family, the press release concluded.
Last year, a patrol police officer was investigated by Casablanca’s judicial police in connection with a traffic collision that claimed one life.
The collision happened in the Anfa neighborhood when a motorcycle patrol police was chasing a motorcycle with three people on it.
During the chase, the accident happened, claiming the biker’s life while the two girls who were with him were critically injured.