Tag: alcohol

10 African countries that consume the most alcohol

Alcohol is one of the world's oldest and most culturally recreational substances,

95% of Moroccans do not consume Alcohol

Morocco ranks 11th on a list of countries that have the least

Ghana considering options to increase duties on tobacco, alcohol

Ghana's Ministry of Health is pushing for an increase in excise duties

Uganda plans to raise drinking age to 21 

The Ugandan government has announced plans to increase the legal age for

Exercise May Help People Cut Back on Drugs and Alcohol, Study Reveals

Now, a new research review suggests physical activity may also help people cut back

Where people drink beer for breakfast

It was Saturday morning at Gaststätte Großmarkthalle, and it felt like Friday

Kenya’s plan to curb alcohol abuse: One pub per town

"Even if they shut down all these bars, we will still drink,"

Kenya pushes one-pub-per-town order to fight alcoholism 

Kenya's deputy president has ordered government administrators in the country's central region

Kenyans making illicit liquor in Arab nations – minister

Kenyan Foreign Minister Alfred Mutua says there are nationals in the diaspora

Tropical vineyards put India on the wine map

What do you do to develop a wine industry in a country