Tag: Amnesty International

Amnesty International intensifies calls for return of abducted Nigerians

Amnesty International has ramped up pressure on Nigerian authorities to ensure the

Nigerian President vows Justice as he condemns ‘heinous’ abduction in Borno and Kaduna

President Bola Tinubu has strongly condemned the heinous incidents of abduction involving

Amnesty International condemns ‘appalling’ abductions in Kaduna, Borno, calls for immediate rescue

Amnesty International has strongly condemned the recent abductions of over 280 students

Tinubu Administration faces allegations of Human Rights failures

Amnesty International has criticized Nigerian President Bola Tinubu's administration for failing to

Human Right groups accuse Tanzania of targeting critics of controversial port deal

Global rights watchdogs Amnesty International and Human Right Watch(HRW) are accusing the

Amesty International urges Sudan’s neighbours to  provide safe passage to those fleeing conflict

Sudan’s bordering countries must immediately lift entry restrictions for individuals fleeing the

Amnesty International says rampant atrocities committed in Cameroon

Rights group Amnesty International has accused security forces, separatists and ethnic militia

Amnesty International calls for independent probe into Senegal deaths

The death toll by Amnesty is higher than the official number of

Amnesty International calls for release of Angolan activist who called president a ‘clown’

Rights group Amnesty International is calling on Angola to release an activist,

Gay refugees face serious rights abuses in Kenya – Amnesty

LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers in Kenya are facing serious human rights