Tag: Flooding

72 dead bodies retrieved in flooded east Congo village

Humanitarian workers have recovered at least 72 bodies from a village in

Landslides in western Rwanda kill more than 50

Landslides and floods have killed more than 50 people after heavy rains

Floods claim five lives in one week in Uganda

At least five people have died in Kasese District in a space

Death toll in Congo flooding rises to 169 – U.N.

The death toll after heavy flooding in the Democratic Republic of Congo's

Floods in DR Congo: Three Days National Mourning Declared

Three days of national mourning have been declared in DR Congo and

Flooding leaves 2.5m Nigerians in urgent need – UN

The UN says more than 2.5 million people in Nigeria are in

Nigeria’s flooding spreads to the Delta, upending lives and livelihoods

People wade through fast-flowing water, holding one another to avoid being swept

Chad declares emergency amid exceptional flooding

Chad's military ruler, Mahamat Idriss Déby, has declared a state of emergency

Nigeria: Expert Warn Agsinst Imminent Food Shortage As a Result of Banditry and Consitent Flooding

Nigerians have been warned to brace up for serious food crisis ahead

Death toll in Uganda’s floods rises to 23, hundreds homeless

The death toll from the floods in Mt Elgon region in Uganda