Tag: Rwanda

Rwandan government to reward green buildings

In Rwanda, the government has announced plans to introduce a groundbreaking reward

Rwanda and UK to review treaty on migration

Rwanda and the United Kingdom have engaged in discussions to establish a

Rwanda to expand Kigali-Muhanga road to four lanes under $120m funding

The Rwandan government has announced plans to expand the Kigali-Muhanga road into

Rwanda and Qatar sign groundbreaking ICT agreement

Rwanda and Qatar have signed a historic agreement centered on Information and

Rwanda launches innovative campaign against fall armyworms

In a resolute effort to safeguard the nation's vital agriculture industry, the

See photos of Rwanda’s biggest port to be opened in December

In a significant development for Rwanda's economy, the country's largest port is

President Kagame highlights high Air travel costs as barrier to Tourism Growth in Africa

President Paul Kagame, during a keynote address at the African Tourism Forum,

University of Kigali pays health insurance for over 500 Kigali residents during Umuganda

In a remarkable display of community involvement, the University of Kigali has

Rwandan First Lady urges youth to champion sustained national unity

Rwandan First Lady Jeannette Kagame has emphasised the vital role of the

China promises more support for Rwanda’s vocational education

The Chinese government has announced its commitment to significantly increasing support for